By Katie Hunter •

A Year of Giving

At Parallax, we love delivering innovative digital solutions for all of our partners. We work with them to push and develop their vision, create a standout solution and help them to smash their goals.

This goes for charities too.

We admire anyone who devotes their time to helping others and, where we can, we always try to do this, too. We’re fortunate that we have a team of talented, generous people who can offer help in many different areas and different ways. Whether that be building a new website so that charities can showcase events and raise awareness for their services, or put our cooking skills to the test for those in need around Christmas time.

Last year, we built a new website for Simon on The Streets a charity offering unlimited support for homeless and vulnerable people around West Yorkshire.

This year, we’ve worked with Sophie Hayes Foundation, created a team fundraiser for Movember, raised crucial funds for Save The Children on Christmas Jumper Day and, although restrictions haven’t allowed us to pursue our yearly involvement with St George’s Crypt, we will be making a donation with the hope to return to our cooking stations next year!

The Sophie Hayes Foundation

Earlier this year, we volunteered our digital and content services to a national charity – Sophie Hayes Foundation.

The foundation is built on a heartbreakingly true story of human trafficking and sexual exploitation but, importantly, it’s Sophie’s story of survival that gives other women hope and a chance to get help, rebuild their lives, gain confidence and start trusting humankind again.

We agreed to work with the women at Sophie Hayes Foundation to completely redesign and rebuild their existing website, define their tone of voice and re-write all of their content. Not just as an agency, but as humans, we value and admire the dedication of these foundations and wanted to do all we could to help them to help even more people.

View the Sophie Hayes Foundation’s website.


Collectively, we raised just over £1500 by letting our upper lip coats grow freely and walking 60km each, over the course of the month. Although as it turns out, we were all keen steppers because we smashed this target by over 300km in total.

All for a fantastic cause, as Movember helps spread the important message for men’s health. The funds raised support life-changing mental health services and aid medical research, trials and tests and treatments for prostate and testicular cancer.

St George’s Crypt

Yearly, we support the team at St George’s Crypt by cooking up a three-course Christmas dinner for the homeless and those in need.

Unfortunately, due to current circumstances, we’re unable to be in the kitchen this year, but we’ll still be supporting the fantastic cause and all that they do by donating directly and helping those in need. As a team, we hope to return to the cooking station next year!

From everyone at Parallax, thank you for involving us in your kind-hearted ventures this year and we hope you have a fantastic Christmas and New Year.

If you’re a local charity and feel as though we could help you in any way, please don’t hesitate to get in touch!

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